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October Free Sheet Music: In the Hall of the Mountain King

Happy October!
To celebrate this spookiest of months I have arranged In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg for intermediate piano. This popular piece is not so simple at first, but it is fun to play, and once you get the pattern of the bass notes you will be able to play it more easily.
I am extremely sorry that many (perhaps most) of you are no longer receiving my monthly newsletter, and are missing out on my free sheet music. I have hired a web designer to move my blog from WordPress to Wix, and hopefully that will rectify the situation. I am not technically savvy enough to understand what the problem has been, so I'm glad to have help! Hopefully it will be up and running within the next week or two. In the meantime, if you have received this post by email, can you please leave a comment to tell me you "got it" below? I would really appreciate it! Here is the link for the sheet music:
I am demonstrating In the Hall of the Mountain King at three tempos. Largo (slow), Andante (medium) and Allegro Moderato ( moderately fast). More important than playing it as fast as possible is to play it as consistently as possible, which means playing it without stopping or pausing. Find a comfortable tempo for yourself, then gradually try to push your tempo a bit faster during the month. By October 31st you will be scaring all the neighborhood kids! (This theme has been featured in many video games - kids love it!)

Largo (slow)

Medium tempo (Andante)

Fast tempo (Allegro)
How are things in your part of the world? Here in LA it started to cool down for a few days (it has been so cozy since Friday!) but is heating up again this week. I am so looking forward to the Fall holidays, seeing the leaves turn gold, wearing sweaters, and sleeping in my flannel sheets and Icelandic blanket. What do you enjoy most about the Fall? I love playing spooky music in minor keys and I sure hope you enjoy playing In the Hall of the Mountain King along with me! Happy Autumn friends! Thanks for joining me here. With love and music, Gaili
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Ukjent medlem
24. okt. 2023

Testing new blog ---hello!


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