Gaili SchoenJan 22, 2022Goals, Intentions, Scheduling, StructureWe know that setting goals can be an effective way to focus our practice time. In the past I have held “Pledge to Play: 10 Minutes A Day”...
Gaili SchoenJun 17, 2020Composing – How To Write A Song Or Piece, Part 5 expanding chords using the The Circle Of 5thsTo purchase this poster click here You may have heard of the phrase, The Circle of 5ths. It’s a useful tool for musicians to understand,...
Gaili SchoenJun 14, 2020Composing – How to Write a Song or Piece, Part 4, Lyrics and StructureI have a piano student who had always wanted to write songs, but just couldn’t seem to get started. When I asked him what he’d like to...
Gaili SchoenMay 1, 2020May Free Sheet Music: What’ll I Do (Irving Berlin)I first fell in love with Irving Berlin’s What’ll I Do when I heard Alison Krauss sing it in the 2003 movie Mona Lisa Smile starring...
Gaili SchoenApr 24, 2020Composing – first steps (WHO ME?)With all of the extra time you now have, it is a great time for you to stick your toe into the pool of songwriting. Ok don’t scream,...
Gaili SchoenFeb 6, 2015White Key Improvisation (Improvising Part 3) I am so pleased to hear that some of you are doing a little improvising. It’s great to try something new, isn’t...
Gaili SchoenFeb 5, 2015Finger painting (Improvising, part 2)Hello Piano Lovers: Today I’d like to delve further into the question, why should we improvise? Firstly, if you...