Gaili SchoenMar 20, 2023Dynamic Balance for the Spring EquinoxHappy Spring to those in the Northern Hemisphere! Though it feels like our cold, wet winter will never end here in California, my garden...
Gaili SchoenJan 17, 2019How to Play Softer With One Hand: 5 ExercisesDynamic Independence As you progress in your piano studies an issue will eventually come up that we piano teachers call hand...
Gaili SchoenFeb 12, 2015The Art of BALANCE at the Dear Piano Peeps: One of the keyboard skills we need to develop is dynamic balance; and that is the ability to...
Gaili SchoenJan 17, 2015Great New Finger Today I want to show you a new exercise I have adapted from an exercise by Theodore Leschetizky [lesh-uh–tit-ske...