One of the scariest Halloween pieces I know is Bach’s Toccata and Fugue. I have adapted this organ piece for early intermediate piano so that you can scare your trick-or-treaters when they innocently come knocking on your door…😱
Here is a demonstration of this arrangement. Notice that I used pedal on measures 7-9 for the ascending phrase, and I am playing rubato (not in strict tempo) throughout:
Happy October! The night time weather has suddenly taken a nosedive here in Los Angeles, and it is such a pleasure to sleep with a blanket on again! Have you been working though your triads and inversions with my blog posts, How to Build Chords on The Piano, Part 1 and Part 2? If you are already comfortable with triads and their inversions, I will be posting an instructional video about 6th and 7th chords soon, in How to Build Chords on The Piano, Part 3. Also check the sidebar to the right (on this page) to see if any of my previous posts would be helpful to you.
If you are looking for more Autumn musical inspiration, check out my piano book called, Songs of the Seasons: AUTUMN, in the link below. I’m also including a link to BOOK 1 of my piano series, Upper Hands Piano: A Method for Adults 50+ to Spark the Mind, Heart and Soul. What pieces do you like to play in Autumn? I am enjoying playing Autumn Leaves, Autumn in NY, and Vivaldi’s Autumn (free sheet music available here). I am very sentimental about my seasonal repertoire 😂! Thanks for following my blog, and enjoy your October.
With love and Music, Gaili